Mistletoe, snowmen, scavenger hunts - oh my! ~ Mikaela Snowe

Mistletoe, snowmen, scavenger hunts – oh my!

It’s been a fun week over here at Mikaela Snowe’s Coffe Klatch.

(What’s the Coffee Klatch, you ask? It’s the super fun reader group. Sign up to be in the loop in the sidebar!)

Michael Avena (my co-author for Santa’s Eve) ran a little scavenger hunt contest. We let our readers know about a book promo, and all they had to do was find the Christmas titles buried within, kind of like a treasure hunt but without the pirates. Then we picked five names out of a hand, and boom, five lucky winners won digital copies of Santa’s Eve, which was not, by the way, part of the promo.

We’ll be doing more of that in the new year. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, have a joyous and blessed Christmas.
