It’s aliiiiiiiiiive!

It took a while, but the free novella I’ve been nattering on about is finally aliiiiive! If things go as planned, I will be sending it out to my Coffee Klatch reader group this Saturday. If you’re not part of Read More …

Coming soon! Temp-ing Fate (That’s a working title)

Tulip is a professional temp, but she’s about to face the most daunting temp job of her career: She’s got to pull off being her genius identical twin sister Diana for a day. But Tulip can do that. She’s done it loads of times. So what if she has to schmooze with a bunch of PhD Psychology S.N.P.s (Snooty Pants) at some summer program on O’ahu? Pffft. Please. It’s not like Tulip will have to teach, for Pete’s sake. Read More …